If you have pictures, recipes, or video of your own fictional food and would like to submit it for me to post about, please either email me at greasysae at fictionalfood.net or comment here with a link and description. Content I will consider:
- Photos or reviews of official food
- Recipes for fictional foods in books, games, movies, or television series
- Fan food such as cakes or other edible creations inspired by works of fiction
If you are submitting content created by someone else, please provide a link to the original source, NOT a reposting. If you would like to request I try to make something, go to the Requests page.
I heard you on the Hunger Games Fireside Chat podcast. It’s really fun that you are making food inspired by fiction. My friend and I made food from Lord of the Rings several years ago. Let me know if you’d like photos or recipes. Good luck with the dandelions!
Hi Tess,
I’d love to see it! Please email me your photos and any credit info, such as a blog link or something. Thanks!
Greasy Sae,
First, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your Hunger Games recipes. Food plays such an important role in the story, and the knowledge that the recipes contained therein can be duplicated only increases my appreciation for the rich world of the books.
Second: I am currently attempting to learn how to forage for wild, edible plants. In the book I’m using – The Forager’s Harvest, by Samuel Thayer – I found what can only be the real-world version of Katniss Everdeen’s namesake – hopniss, or the American groundnut. I immediately began to wonder if there was any growing nearby to me. Using the book as a guide, I soon found a patch! I can provide pictures, if necessary. If you live in the continental US – east of the Mississippi – chances are it’s growing near you as well.
It’s absolutely stunning how widespread these plants are. They have as much protein per serving as peanuts, and cook to the consistency of refried beans or mashed potatoes.
Is there some way we could highlight katniss – sorry, hopniss – on Fictional Foods? I think that the fans would really enjoy it – both for the geek factor and the yum factor!
Anyways. Thank you for your work, and your time. Have a lovely day!
Hi John, I’ve actually been trying to get my hands on some myself, but I think you may have the wrong plant. The plant that katniss is named after is called Sagittaria or more commonly, arrowhead. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sagittaria
It’s a tuber plant that grows in swampy areas and is actually a native plant where I live! Once I get my hands on some, I plan to plant it, grow it, and eat it!
I have some Harry Potter recipes for your consideration
I have a list of recipes for breads from the various districts of Panem, if you’re interested. They’re the same basic recipe with some additions and substitutions specific to each district.
Hi Alison, sure! Send to greasysae at fictionalfood.net
Have you considered the recipes in Diane Mott Davidson’s culinary mysteries?
Reptar Bars (Rugrats)
Please make Chocoballs from Harry Potter! I’ve wanted to eat those since I first read the books at age 7. Here’s the page in the Harry Potter wiki: http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Chocoballs
Hello! First off, I just want to say that I LOVE your site! Your Final Fantasy cake actually made my morning :D. All your work is just so inspiring! I started playing with fondant a few weeks ago, and I’m having a blast, so I thought I would share some of what I’ve done so far! My HP Lovecraft’s Cthulhu cupcake, and my Superman & Wolverine BFF cupcakes
Thank you for your wonderful site!
Those are so cute! Thanks for the links!
Hello – I love your website! So fun.
I recently made Mockingjay pin sugar cookies and posted a tutorial here: http://notyourmommascookie.com/2012/02/may-the-odds-be-ever-in-your-favor-hunger-games-cookies/. I’d love to share it with others who may want to make their own Hunger Games sugar cookies! Especially for movie premiere parties
I made a hunger games cake for a young girls birthday this past fall.
Here is he link to my FB page that has the pics of it.
This was my absolute favorite series. I remember reading the series when there was only one book. Waiting for the others t come out was pure torture. My daughter now has fell in love with the books as well.
Thanks for your consideration
Hi! I made the goat cheese apple tart from the Mellark Bakery:http://healthyfoodietravels.net/?p=1758
And inspired by rabbit:http://healthyfoodietravels.net/?p=1749
I’d love it if you could accept one
I made Krabby patties a few years back:
It is probably the funnest recipe i have thought up and made. It’s got me ticking over, and stabling across your blog has inspired me make more fictional food, it bring imagination to life. Great work. : )
I’d be interested in working with you Crystal.