If you’d like to request I try to make something from a book, please post a comment on this page with as many details as possible, including, but not limited to:
- Book, movie, game, or tv series title
- Author (if applicable)
- Food details (use cited text if possible)
- Page numbers (if from a book)
- Description of scene (if from a movie, games, or tv series)
- Reason for request
I tend to have more motivation for things I’m familiar with myself, so I can’t guarantee I’ll do some dish that I’ve never read about or seen before.
If you’d like to submit your fictional food photo or recipe, please go to the Submissions page.
If I would do a request, would you just do the the thing I requested and then post a photo or would I actually get the thing I requested. And if I’d get it, for what price?
PS: Nice stuff you do! π
Haha, interesting question! I would just make it myself and post the recipe/pictures for you to follow on your own. π
I love your site! It’s so creative! I made the Bowl O’ Brown for dinner the other night and I’m still bringing the leftovers for lunch. Anyway, I have 2 suggestions!
1) I think it would be awesome if you can concoct a Butterbeer recipe or something to do with Butterbeer from Harry Potter (of course) by J.K. Rowling. I don’t remember the page #s that it was mentioned or even which book it was but it is described as “a little bit like less-sickly butterscotch”. I tried making Butterbeer cupcakes too and they were an epic fail (they turned out pink because of the cream soda) so maybe you have better ideas?
2) Also from Harry Potter, there was mention of Pumpkin Pasties on the Hogwarts Express (Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, pg. 76). I’ve seen recipes online but I’ve never tried. I have no idea what they are but I’m curious to make something like it!
Awesome! I take it you liked it, then? π
I don’t know if you’ve ever read them but the Redwall series has fantastic amazing food descriptions. Literally pages of foods from various feasts they have. There is a whole website dedicated to recipes from the books, although no pictures or descriptions of if the dish was successful or not. http://www.redwall.net/kitchen/main.html
I just thought you’d find it interesting and I hope you’ll give one a try!
I’ve been looking for something new to read, I’ll check this out! Thank you!
I love what you have done with just descriptions of food. These recipes are so innovative and i never would have even thought of making dishes from the Hunger Games. But I do have a request for something from the Hunger Games. After the reaping where Peeta is chosen to be a tribute, Katniss relives the moment in her life when Peeta kept her and Prim alive with his bread. She described it as sweet, warm bread containing raisins and various nuts. It’s nothing special but i would love to see your interpretation of it.
Hi! I love all your recipes, especially the ones from the Hunger Games! I have 2 requests (And descriptions from the books to go with them):
1. A recipe for butterbeer, if it’s possible-
“Wish we could’ve bought you some butterbeer, really warms you up-” Ron and Hermione to Harry, page 158, Flight of the Fat Lady, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
2.District 4 bread-
“One day, Peeta empties our breadbasket and points out how they have been careful to include types from the districts along with the refined bread of the capital. The fish-shaped loaf tinted green with seaweed from District 4. The crescent moon roll dotted with seeds from District 11.” Training Center, page 97, Chapter 7, The Hunger Games
i was thinking maybe you could make treacle tart from harry potter. it always sounds so good, i was wondering what it would look/ taste like.
randy! π
That is so funny, I was just looking up the recipe for this in the unofficial cookbook! Don’t worry, it’s on my list!
If you are using the Harry Potter Unofficial Cookbook, then let me tell you, the treacle tart is AMAZING. Also, you should use Lyles golden syrup instead of molasses or maple syrup. It’s available at Fresh and Easy and Cost Plus (if you’re in America). I made it this way and it’s now my most requested dish.
There’s this one dish in Catching Fire that caught my attention. It’s mentioned twice in the book, pg. 78 and pg. 189. ( I have a hardcover, so the pages might be off) It first appears at the banquet. “I pick up a small roasted bird, bite into it, and my tongue floods with orange sauce. Delicious.”. From what we’ve seen you’re already kind of a master at orange sauce ;). It would be a fun one to see.
There are a bunch of described foods in that same scene, like the “clear green broth…tasting like springtime.”. Or “a frothy pink soup dotted with raspberries.”
I bought Catching Fire on Kindle recently so that I could go through and highlight all the food, but haven’t had a chance to do so yet. I think I’ve only read the book once, so I didn’t recognize the foods you mentioned above at all! Thanks! I wonder what the pink soup is??
I’d bet it’s some sort of gazpacho. Usually gazpacho is more like a “liquid salad,” but lots of chefs have been known to try more of a fruity approach to the soup.
I love your website. My husband and I are reading Game of Thrones. I will be making the lemon cakes for a tea party with my daughter. Thank you!
I have 2 requests please –
1) Turkish Delight from The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe
2) Carmella’s lasagna from The Sipranos
Actually, I just of more….
3) The veal cutlets from Goodfellas
4) The entire meal they made in prison from Goodfellas (the one with the garlic sliced razor thin so it liquefies in the pan)
What d’ya say? π
Keep up the good work!
OMG.. Turkish Delight… I so remember obsessing over that too. Even though I still have no idea what it is!
Taken from Wikipedia:
“Turkish delight or lokum is a family of confections based on a gel of starch and sugar. Premium varieties consist largely of chopped dates, pistachios and hazelnuts or walnuts bound by the gel; the cheapest are mostly gel, generally flavored with rosewater, mastic, or lemon. The confection is often packaged and eaten in small cubes dusted with icing sugar, copra, or powdered cream of Tartar, to prevent clinging. Other common types include such flavors as cinnamon and mint. In the production process, soapwort may be used as an emulsifying additive.”
First just wanted to say I LOVE your site. I found it via the hunger games facebook fan of of the week. I think your idea is brilliant (why has no one done this before?) I’m always drooling over food descriptions in books and imagining what things will taste like.
I love the Hunger Games, but I also noticed you did the Ratatouille from the Pixar movie of the same name. I was wondering if it might be possible to do some of the other things from the movie as well?
I realize they don’t exactly list ingredients for the other food, but I would love to see your take on it. The soup in particular I would love to see, or even the failed Gusteau Recipe as well as how Remy fixes it with a different sauce.
Thanks and keep up the great work on this site!
Also was wondering if you’re from Hawaii? In the picture on Fan of the Week I noticed the Spam can. I’m from Hawaii is why.
Thank you Cherise! And yeah, I actually LOVE that scene where Remy is just tossing things into the soup. I’ll have to seriously think about that one because I’m definitely not a chef, so I dunno how well I’d do just throwing things in and coming up with a soup that would impress Anton Ego! LOL
And to answer your other question, yes, I’m from Hawaii. The cake picture was taken at UH Hamilton library! I was born and raised in Hilo and have lived in Honolulu since college. π
That would be awesome if you do make the soup! Maybe you can figure it out based on what the things he tosses in looks like?
Yes, Hawaii Hunger Games Fan Power! π
Also, I have another request from a game this time but will be posting it as a new post.
I’m a HUGE Hunger Games fan and first I’d like to say what an awesome site this is! Anyhow, remember in the first book, when Peeta refused to let Katniss go to the feast. Well, is it possible for you to make the soup she made for Peeta in the cave.
“I mince groosling until it’s practically mush and mash some of Rue’s roots. Fortunately, they’ve both been roasted already so they mostly need to be heated up. Already, between the sunlight and the rocks, the water’s warm. I put in the meat and roots, swap in fresh rocks, and go find something green to spice it up a little. Before long, I discover a tuft of chives growing at the base of some rocks. Perfect/ I chop them very fine and add them to the pot, switch out the rocks again, put on the lid, and let the whole thing stew.”
Since I don’t think groosling is real, perhaps you can use a different form of poultry to substitute. The roots are starchy from what I remember. I think this is in page 267.
I would love to know how to make Butterbeer from Harry Potter! (perhaps an alcoholic and an non-alcoholic version?) π
I was hoping you could do the cakes the Peeta makes for the Bakery in the Hunger Games. I don’t know the exact page number or what they look or taste like but I have always imagined them as a small cake only about an inch wide with little flowers and designs on them. I love your Blog!!!!
Hi again, so I wanted to see if you might be interested in trying to cook some food from the game “Skyrim”. There’s tons of fake books in game, and one of them is a cookbook with two recipes and instructions. So my request would be for those two recipes to come to life.
Here is a link that has the words from that book online:
I would love to see more Harry Potter inspired dishes. One of the more fun features of the HP series is all the delicious meals JK Rowlings manages to write about all seven books. Food is oddly important in the Harry Potter Universe, and it’d be pretty cool to see how you’d tackle one of Mrs. Weasley’s dinners or dishes from one of Hogwarts’ many feasts.
Another fun little dish would be the dreaded “SpagBol,” that Tally from The Uglies series was forced to eat over and over again.
YES! The SpagBol idea is GREAT. LOVE that series! π
Haha, yeah I’ve actually been planning to do that one. π
District 4 Bread from The Hunger Games (With the seaweed) and What happened to the Dandelion salad? Plus More Harry Potter Dishes please! (And yet another thing) from the Pendragon saga by D. J. MacHale gloid would be cool.
Well i left out some stuff, but gloid is in book 4 The Reality Bug on the territory of Veelox. I would love to have that because i wonder what it is like.
Thanks for the suggestion!
Haha, I accidentally let them die in my kitchen, so I have to plant them outside this time.
My first attempt to recreate a book food was frying a lamb kidney in butter just like Leopold Bloom from James Joyce’s ULYSSES while reading the book for the first time in college in 1963. It does help you get into their persona.
I am reading The Night Circus by erin morgenstern and as I was reading I immediately thought of this website. The characters in the book create a magic circus and they have these wonderful dinners. They are vague about some of the food though. One cute thing was little chocolate mice with almond ears and a licorice tail!
Hi there,
I absolutely love your site!! I never knew so many other people also wonder about recipes from games, books, and more. Something I’m really wishing to see is Peeta’s cheese bread that is Katniss’s favorite. It would be awesome if you make it sometime. π
You should totally do butterbeer from Harry Potter!
I think you use cream soda and icecream and something else 4 butterbeer.
Could you try the Rainbow Chocolates From Sailor V Chapter 9 http://www.mangafox.com/manga/codename_sailor_v/v02/c009/6.html
im sure only Andrew Zimmern would even think about having this in his kitchen but…Bat Broth from the Cirque Du Freak series LOL
Wow that was unusual. I just wrote an really long comment but after I clicked submit my comment didn’t show up. Grrrr… well I’m not writing all that over again. Regardless, just wanted to say great blog!
My mom read the “Little House” books aloud to me as a kid, and I recently decided it would be fun to re-read them as an adult. The one thing that has blown me away is the delicious food descriptions, especially in “Farmer Boy.” Almanzo’s poor mother pretty much just cooked all day long, every day, but it sure sounds like it was worth it! π One dish that particularly intrigued me is the birds’-net pudding (“apples nested in fluffy crust”)with “sweetened cream speckled with nutmeg.”
Wow I haven’t read those books in forever, I’ll have to get myself some copies again!
Can you make fictional food hit lists for the Harry Potter series?
I will definitely be doing that soon as I plan to get the Kindle books!
Just wanted to say, I absolutely love your website and I can’t wait to try your recipes!
Also, I was thinking about fairytales and came up with something new you could try: gingerbreadman! You know, like Gingy from shrek! I know now is not really the time, it’s more something for christmas. But it seemed like a fun idea!
Hey for the hunger games do you know what District 4 Symbolizes? Like what does there bread mean? sorry if im not making any sense
Well if your asking about what the big deal with the district 4 bread meant I know the answer. First thing you should know is district 4 is fishing (which you probably already know π ). The Bread sent to Katniss and Peeta was a Fish shaped loaf tinted green and dotted with seaweed. It was a big deal because well, food is food and when you are fighting for your life it is very helpful. They never starved or were hungry in the arena. if this answered your question, good π if it didnt sorrry π
How about food from the Stephanie Plum books by Janet Evanovich? Stephanie’s mom is always whipping up fantastic comfort food from coffee cake to pot roast. And Stephanie and Lula frequently enjoy unhealthy but delicious things like fried chicken from Cluck in a Bucket or pizza from Pino’s. Yum!
Can you make the chicken that Katniss enjoys at the party in Catching Fire that takes place in President Snow’s home? It is a chicken which she bites and orange sauce bursts out into her mouth. This party takes place in the sixth or seventh chapter I’m sure and is the same party at which she meets Plutarch Heavensbee. The author is obviously Suzanne Collins. I would like this recipe for a hunger games party I am hoping to throw. Thankyou!
Try making the romulan ale from star trek.
Hello Krystal (Crystal I don’t know sorry) I have some suggestions for recipes and one more thing. First things first, since i was to lazy to look them up on my own, i looked at your master list of every food mentioned. So a few things that caught my eye were the fish shaped bread from district 4 spotted with seaweed, How festive with the new finnick casting! Second Cream and rose petal soup, I’m not going to lie this is an ‘interesting’ one, you don’t have to consider that one. Third, CINNAmon and dill bread, all pun intended. And last but not least fresh from the force field roasted nuts! One last question, can you please make a mockingjay recipe list? Thank you for reading this π I’ll be listening to fireside chat!
Hello! I would love it if you could do something by The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. It’s my favorite book of all time- a beautiful read, and some gorgeous descriptions of food that I would love to see come to life! They may seem a bit daunting, but looking at your website, I’m sure you could do it!
Here are a couple of examples:
“Globes of thinly blown sugar sit on each plate and must be broken to access the clouds of cream within…each of them has been presented with an entirely unique flavor…while some are easily guessed as ginger with peach or curried coconut, others remain delicious mysteries” (137).
“The chocolates are shaped like mice, with almond ears and licorice tails” (164).
Oh, and thanks!
It would be awesome to have a couple dishes based on the Fables Comics, The Wolf Among Us videogame (based on Fables), or even just fairytale inspired dishes!!!!
I’d love to see what you come up with!!
Definitely butter beer from Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban. Harry, Ron, and Hermoine are found drinking this in several movies in Hogsmede! It’s such a staple drink besides Pumpkin Juice in the movies and books!
I’ve always been curious about the Chocolat dinner served in the movie Chocolat with Johnny Depp. .. it looks amazingly delicious!! But I’ve never been able to find a recipe for chicken and salad with Chocolat drizzle. …
This idea is SOOOO cool. Love your recipes! I got two requests:
1) LembaΒ΄s bread from Lord of the Rings! (the elvish food Galadriel gives to the hobbits as a present)
2) The Thanksgiving turkey sandwich Monica makes in Friends. It is described particularly well in the episode 9 of season 5, “The One with Ross’s Sandwich” π
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