Homemade Tru Blood

A couple weeks ago I made vials of ‘V’ for you Truebies out there wanting to have a party. But what’s a vampire party without food for vampires?

Tru Blood

This is the official HBO drink, which is a blood orange soda that costs arms and legs. Sadly, the HBO Store no longer sells it and I called around to the various shops that typically carry this kind of stuff like Hot Topic or Spencer’s Gifts, but they didn’t even know what I was talking about. You can buy it on Amazon, but only if you like paying 40 bucks for a 4-pack.

And so, the next best thing is to make your own.

Tru Blood

For bottles, I simply bought bottles of Sobe (and dumped them, because I thought they tasted horrible) and rinsed those out and removed the label. Using the same recipe as the ‘V’, all you do is dilute it by adding Cran-Grape juice at a ratio of 1-1. For labels, I used the front label found here and printed them out. To make them waterproof, it’s best you make color copies at Kinkos. Here’s a PDF for you to use for your own!

I simply cut them out and taped them on and done! Food for vampires. Of course, you could also just offer yourself up, but you should respect vamps that support mainstreaming.

Tru Blood

Scarily enough, my daughter is addicted to V. I let her drink one and then suddenly she was telling me how she’d drank four. Uh oh!!

3 thoughts on “Homemade Tru Blood”

  1. Pingback: 10 Unholy Facts About True Blood | NowYouKnowThis.com

  2. Just saw that you live in Honolulu which is awesome because I do too. I’ll be using your recipes this halloween. Enjoy season 7 of True Blood 🙂

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