It’s Sunday and The Hunger Games is estimated to have smashed through box office records to have landed into the 5th spot of the biggest opening weekends of all time at $155 million domestically. Needless to say, after having been such a huge part of the fandom for almost a year, I feel a sense of pride that it’s been so widely recognized. I think a lot of us fansite admins had that little whisper in the back of our heads saying, “What if it bombs? What if Catching Fire is never made?”
I think we can rest easy now.
The 3rd Annual Edible Book Contest at the University of Hawaii is coming up next week and while brainstorming for my entry (last year I did a Hunger Games cake) I thought up a rather simple, yet creepy cake inspired by the added scene in The Hunger Games movie with President Snow and Head Gamemaker Seneca Crane. But then I realized the flaw in this idea as an entry. It was a movie cake, not a book cake. And yet I didn’t want to scrap the idea.
If you’re wondering how I cut the letters out, I printed them on a piece of paper, cut them out, laid them on fondant, then used an X-Acto knife to cut them out. It took me roughly three hours, so I have a sore back right now. 🙁 And as you can see, I still suck at making smooth fondant cakes. Sigh.
I’ve never done a gum paste flower before, but since I already had the flower making kit, I just went online to Wilton’s site and looked up how to do it. I’m quite happy with my first gum paste rose! Here’s a closer look:
But hey, what’s a good Hunger Games post without some book thrown in?
Awww yeah! Isn’t that just so delightfully creeptastic? If you’re not sure what this means, it’s because Finnick Odair reveals that President Snow dabs his lips because of bloody sores he has due to drinking poison to throw off his own poisoners! Katniss describes him as smelling of blood and roses.
Also, I started up a Fictional Food Tumblr, so be sure to follow it!
That is awesomely disgusting.
Thanks Jo!
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That rose is gorgeous… creepy as hell with that blood on it, but still gorgeous. 🙂
Thanks Erin! It was actually quite fun to drip on! hahaha
It looks fantastic. I adore the blood on it, is that too weird to say? Happy HG weekend it’s hard to believe it’s come and gone after so much anticipation.
I know! It feels like it was so far away and then boom, done! At least it was a FANTASTIC weekend though!
I loveD the blood how did you make it…..water and red food coloring? I need to know!! :()
It’s just red food coloring, no water added!
kool!! i heart the hunger games!
-when people ask me if i am team gale or team peeta i say shut up its not twilight!!! (@.@)
Katnissricks!! I totally agree, I always say this is not twilight, that there are no teams! But no one listens!!! Also Greasy Sae, again, amazing cake! I watched the hunger games on the 22nd! Private, advanced screening *cool face*!!! was so excited! Gary Ross is an amazing director! What was your fav scene!?
Tnx!!!! I heart gale too XD
My two daughters and I loved reading the books, and then seeing the first movie, as well. It has been a great bonding experience. And now I love the fact that we can continue to share this experience in the kitchen. Your hunger games recipes look great, and i found others as well. there is an unofficial cookbook, and these great recipes from chef morgan.
wow you´re such an amazing cook wish i could make cakes as good as you please keep on laying up you recipes they´re fantastic to read 🙂
I totally agree that its not Twilight! Twilight sucks! This is sooo much better its completely ridiculous! I love hunger games and baking so this is like THE perfect website for me!!
Tnx! I am team katniss!!!! Hahahaha JK
Wow! I love seeing your posts! You are extremely talented, well done! I am hoping to make a Hunger Games cake for my b-day and you have inspired me! Thanks!
I LOVE THESE HG CAKES now i cant decide witch ones to do!!!
i am having a back to school HG party and i need a cake which one do u think i should make for the party
BAH THISISSOTOTALLYAMAZING. I’m a huge Hunger Games fan and am planning my 12th birthday HG style. On the cake, there was already flaming coal and nightlock, but this bloody (but creepy) rose could be something more… any suggestions? If you want to see it, it’s by Rosanna Pansino… Google it.
Zoya 🙂
Making something similar for a friend in a few weeks. Did the food coloring bleed at all after a while, or did it look okay until eating?
It looked fine, just don’t go overboard.