I’ve been getting a lot of new followers over the last couple of weeks and I’ve felt terrible about not posting anything, but my weekends have been tied up with things, some awesome, some just exhausting. One awesome thing was a new fridge. I LOVE IT. It’s massive and clean and it doesn’t have a split down the middle that causes food to fall down and smash my toes!
The folks over at The Hob have managed to shake me out of my not-making-food coma by offering up a massive prize packet for getting in the kitchen and baking like a Mellark. I submitted this as an entry, but decided to retract it when I read that they wanted Hunger Games decorated stuff, not necessarily food from The Hunger Games. I just had to scratch this itch of mine, though. It’s been bugging me ever since the first time I read The Hunger Games and so I’ve made Mr. Mellark’s cookies.
The baker sits awkwardly on the edge of one of the plush chairs. He’s a big, broad-shouldered man with burn scars from years at the ovens. He must have just said good-bye to his son.
He pulls a white paper package from his jacket pocket and holds it out to me. I open it and find cookies. These are a luxury we can never afford.
I was hoping I missed some description of the cookies, but found none and so unfortunately I have no idea what kind of cookies Mr. Mellark saw fit to give Katniss because SHE NEVER EATS THEM!!!!!!!
Seriously, I about cried when Mr. Mellark came to give her cookies. That sweet, sweet man! Has Katniss even eaten a cookie before? What delight she’d experience when she finally enjoys his gift.
And then in true Katniss fashion, she throws them out the train window.
A kind Peeta Mellark is far more dangerous to me than an unkind one. Kind people have a way of working their way inside me and rooting there. And I can’t let Peeta do this. Not where we’re going. So I decide, from this moment on, to have as little as possible to do with the baker’s son.
When I get back to my room, the train is pausing at a platform to refuel. I quickly open the window, toss the cookies Peeta’s father gave me out of the train, and slam the glass shut. No more. No more of either of them.
I get it, girl. You’re mad. You’re cynical. You want nothing to do with the Mellarks. BUT YOU THREW AWAY HIS COOKIES. *sobbing noises*
Anywayyy, rant over and on to the cookies.
I went for plain ass cookies because I couldn’t picture even a merchant making extremely decadent, frivolous treats when people are starving all around them. In contrast, cookies in District 1 probably look like they found Martha Stewart hiding in a bunker and have been keeping her a secret all this time. Why else would they be specializing in luxury?
I used this recipe and to add more District 12ishness I substituted 1 cup of flour with whole wheat flour.
This is a great example of me not paying attention to where my camera is focused. At least you can see the awesome white paper bag I made. I thought about going out and buying one, but then I came to my senses and remembered that me going to a store for a very specific item almost never, EVER works out. To save myself the frustration and gas, I went to YouTube and learned how to make my own paper bag. *flex*
And yes, I realize this wouldn’t fit in anyone’s jacket pocket, but give me a break here, will you?
If you’re wondering what the point of this picture is, it’s to show you what Katniss would have seen when she looked in the bag. If she’d eaten them, she’d have tasted a nice, mild sugar cookie with a light wheat taste. They’re plain, but my kids still loved them and ate them.
Pingback: » Mr. Mellark’s Cookies « Mockingjay.net – HungerGames.org | Hunger Games Movie News | HungerGamesMovie.com
Pingback: » Mr. Mellark’s Cookies « Mockingjay.net – HungerGames.org | Hunger Games Movie News | HungerGamesMovie.com
Did you know mockingjay.net has been featuring you? And for a good reason too. :D.
I absolutely love how you don’t just take the recipe, but the context of the food along with it. It amazes me every time. It’s so realistic that….well…it’s kinda like if someone had been waving a stick around their whole lives then was handed a Harry Potter wand. If that made any sense at all. xD
I lovelovelove this site. And sorry if I haven’t been commenting, but I’ve been following you avidly 😀
Hi Jujube, I’d be more flattered, but that’s actually me posting it on Mockingjay, hahaha!
I’m glad you love the site, I hope you’ll keep coming back! ^_^
yeah i love your site
could you do the apple tart that peeta was talking about in the cave with katniss?
Oh I’ll have to go look that one up! I don’t remember it!
Yeah the red apple and goat cheese tart 🙂 you could use your homeade goat cheese recipe 🙂 That would taste SOOO good!
Just an FYI, I went and bought a tartlet pan at Williams-Sonoma today just to try this!
Yummy. I am going to try that one out this weekend. Hope I’ll be able to give you some feedback upon how it has worked out. I’ll just have to figure out the vanilla extract thingy somehow…
They’re pretty plain, basically just sugar cookies. Tasted best with milk a day later as they got pretty hard, but fresh out of the oven they were quite nice, but I guess you could say that about any cookie. 🙂
Pingback: Fictional Food: Mr. Mellark’s Cookie Recipe - HG Girl On Fire
First, i am a HUGE fan of the site!!!!!!!!!! second, would you please post the recipe of the cheese buns in Catching Fire?
I’ll take a look in the book for it!
i thought the book said they were chocolate chip cookies?oh well
Naw, I looked it up. They’re barely described at all.
hm…. must have just been my imagination
I made these and I used 3 cups wheat flour and slightly less than 2 cups of brown sugar (only because I was running out). I also didn’t do the refrigeration, they taste delicious and I don’t feel terrible about eating them. They don’t look that great, but they’ve got just the right but of sweetness (although adding honey could also be a yummy if you wanted them sweeter).
LOVE your blog & these cookies, which look perfect. I’ve shared a link to this page on my page about Hunger Game recipes.
Pingback: The Hunger Games Party Finds | Printabelle
Pingback: the hunger games party finds
I LOVE THESE and i am having a HG party on monday EVERYTHIng is now last minute
Pingback: Mr. Mellark’s Sugar Cookies |
I just have to tell you, that after i read all your The Hunger Games ricipes, im speachless. and i’m never speachless!
BUT, i’m very emotional, so when i read your recipes, and even how you write it, with your amazing sense of humor, even youre not trying 😀 i’m sitting here with tears, because.. I just Love how you write! You’re amazing, and one of my inspirations! What you write is cute and adorable, with the right use of quotes from all the fantastic 3 books <3
Oh, and yes, when i've been speachless for a while, im saying ALL the thoughts i had when i was speachless, so i will just try to cut my message (what i planned to write) and just get all the sentences that keeps saying that yure awesome, and just write the most important parts.
btw do you have an instagram?
i have a The Hunger games instagram account (of coursee) i'm @tiril_thg_ 🙂
And once again..
You're amazing!
Wow, I don’t know what to say to such an amazingly nice comment! Thank you so much!!
I hope to pick back up with more recipes soon, so I hope you’ll come back! I don’t have a Fictional Food Instagram, but you can follow me on @pikko147!
Well, it seems to me brown sugar is more of what the districts had, so I’m going to try that. We don’t have any wheat flour either. I’ll let you guys know how it turns out!
The dough is extremely sticky… I had a hard time wrestling it in half and then into the fridge. The dough tastes good, though!
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