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President Snow Hope Cake 21

A Cake for President Snow

Here's a cake for President Snow, who says the only thing strong than fear is hope

Goat-Cheese-Apple-Tarts1 34

Goat Cheese and Apple Tarts

In the cave, Peeta mentions a goat cheese and apple tart that they make at Mellark's Bakery

October 17, 2011 Hunger Games
Mockingjay-Cupcakes-Video 46

Video: How to Make a Hunger Games Mockingjay Cupcake

Watch me make a Hunger Games Mockingjay Pin cupcake with this step-by-step video

September 24, 2011 Hunger Games, Videos
Mr. Mellark's Cookies 28

Mr. Mellark’s Cookies

It's always really ticked me off that Katniss never eats Mr. Mellark's cookies

September 21, 2011 Features, Hunger Games

Harry Potter Sorting Hat Cakes

The Sorting Hat plays a vital role in the Harry Potter series so it's no surprise that people love to make him into cakes!

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