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Katniss Seeds 4

Starting Katniss Roots

I've started katniss roots again, this time trying to use Jiffy pellets before moving them to a pot outside

April 26, 2012 Blog, Hunger Games
Cupcakes-on-Fire-Redux 12

The Hunger Games Adventures Cupcakes

Funtactix and Lionsgate hire me to make mockingjay cupcakes to promote The Hunger Games Adventures

April 13, 2012 Blog, Hunger Games
The Hunger Games Trilogy Cake 27

The Hunger Games Trilogy Cake

A three tier fondant cake paying homage to The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins

April 02, 2012 Dessert, Fan Food, Hunger Games
Game-of-Thrones-HL 15

Fictional Food Hit List: A Game of Thrones

There are 75 items on my Fictional Food Hit List for Book 1: A Game of Thrones

March 31, 2012 Game of Thrones, Hit Lists
A Feast of Ice and Fire 1

A Feast of Ice and Fire Available for Pre-Order

The official Game of Thrones cookbook is now available for pre-order!

March 30, 2012 Blog, Game of Thrones
President Snow Hope Cake 21

A Cake for President Snow

Here's a cake for President Snow, who says the only thing strong than fear is hope

Boxed Mockingjay Cupcake 4

Fictional Food’s Mockingjay Cupcake on ABC’s Nightline

Watch a quick flash of my mockingjay cupcake on ABC's Nightline special on Hunger Games fans

March 21, 2012 Blog, Hunger Games, Media, Videos
Capitol-Pig 10

‘The Hunger Games’ Movie Food

Last month, the The Hunger Games: Official Illustrated Movie Companion came out and I was really stoked to see that they’d included a whole section of

March 11, 2012 Blog, Hunger Games
Goat-Cheese-Puffs 8

Hunger Games Contests and Cookies

I recap some of the great things going on right now in the world of fictional food of The Hunger Games!

February 24, 2012 Blog, Contests, Hunger Games
Plants-vs-Zombies-Cake 11

Plants vs Zombies Cake

Check out the final Plants vs Zombies cake photos with pea shooters, repeaters, zombies, ducky zombie, squashes, chili peppers, and walnuts and tall-nuts!

February 14, 2012 Dessert, Plants vs Zombies
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