Fictional Food is a blog dedicated to both cooking fictional food and posting about fictional food around the internet. While books are the primary focus, television, game, and movie foods are also featured.
Greasy Sae
Suffice to say, I don’t really live in District 12 cooking wild dog stew for Peacekeepers. I do have a horrendous addiction to cooking blogs. I normally go by the name Pikko, but for this blog decided I should take on the name of a fictional chef and eventually chose the female cook from The Hunger Games. I am a 32 year old wife and mother of two living in Honolulu, Hawaii.
My other blogs include Adventures in Bentomaking, Learn 2 Cook, Bento Central, Review Addicts, You Know You’re From Hilo If…, and my cookbook’s website Yum-Yum Bento Box.