Creamy Pumpkin Brew from The Capitol

TG commented the other day saying he/she wanted me to do the pumpkin soup that Katniss eats in the Capitol during her Victory Tour. With Thanksgiving coming up soon, I thought that was the perfect recipe to do. Here’s the quote from the book:

My resolve is almost immediately broken at the first table, which has twenty or so soups, when I encounter a creamy pumpkin brew sprinkled with slivered nuts and tiny black seeds. “I could just eat this all night!” I exclaim.

I searched around for a recipe to adapt and settled upon this one from Beyond Sweet and Savory. I couldn’t find butternut squash at my supermarket, so I just bought an acorn squash.

It tastes good in the sense that I can tell it tastes yummy, but since I’m not much of a pumpkin eater, it wasn’t really my thing. I remember trying pumpkin juice once and not really caring for it, despite having read how much Harry and the students at Hogwarts love it. I’m really more of a pie and cheesecake kind of pumpkin eater! I do have to say that the almonds went very well with it, though. I reduced the cream a bit in the recipe below as I thought it was a little too much.

Creamy Pumpkin Brew

If you try this with another type of pumpkin, let me know how it is!

17 thoughts on “Creamy Pumpkin Brew from The Capitol”

    1. Dang it, I was afraid of that, but Googling “pumpkin soup” and getting lot of squash recipes made me think it’d be fine.

      Anyway, the recipe was pretty similar to other pumpkin recipes that used puree from a can, so perhaps you can just keep everything the same and switch out the squash for a large can of puree?

      1. True! Although puree often includes a lot of sugar, so you’d have to be careful of that. The recipe you used would probably work just as well if you roasted a pumpkin – and I bet it would taste better too! I love pumpkin but I can’t stand acorn or butternut squash. 🙂

        1. Well, to be fair to myself, there were no pumpkins to be found. Unless this could work with a kabocha! I’ll have to try that! It’s seriously the only pumpkin available here. Everything else is squash. 🙁

          1. I used to live in Hawaii (Oahu) – I remember having pumpkins at the supermarket, at least around Halloween. Kabocha is similar in flavor but much drier than regular pumpkin. Personally, I think butternut squash is pretty close. But yes, you can use canned pumpkin, most people do these days for holiday baking.

        2. Pure pureed pumpkin has no sugar in it at all. It’s just pureed pumpkin. Canned pumpkin pie filling is what has sugar and added spices. Just have to make sure you pick up the right can.

  1. As it turns out a combo is super tasty – roasted a little kabocha from my garden, pureed and added a can of pumpkin (pure pumpkin only, I don’t understand this sweetened in a can thing Americans buy) to the mix. Made a double batch with bone broth, added a drizzle of hazelnut oil to the top and a sprinkling of hazelnut slices instead of almond. SO GOOD!

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