Fictional Food’s Mockingjay Cupcake on ABC’s Nightline

Last week, I had the great experience of not only taking a family vacation to Universal Studios with the hubby and kids, but I also got to meet like 5 million of my Hunger Games buddies from the fandom at a house they dubbed Capitol Shore! Producers from ABC’s Nightline came by to talk to us and then followed us around the next day as we got our hair styled and makeup done at thedrybar and Blushington in West Hollywood. After that, we headed to the premiere at the Nokia Theatre and saw the movie! It was surreal!

Last night, Nightline aired their special they did on us and even interviewed Emily Ansara Baines, author of The Unofficial Hunger Games Cookbook, though I ended up cutting that and a whole lot of trailer talk before this segment so that I could upload this really fast. I’ll try to cut that part into a separate video later tonight! In the meantime, here’s a quick 2 minute video in which you can see me briefly in the background at the Capitol Shore party, my cupcake in a quick flash, and then getting my hair done (next to Shylah) at the drybar.

I baked these cupcakes under severe stress over borrowed kitchen gear, dull knives, and a really weird stove. I’d planned to make over a dozen, but in the end only successfully made 5 because the boxes were a total nightmare to make. So sad. Isn’t the sticker cute, though? 😀

I’d like to give a shoutout to the Capitol Shore residents for kindly eating all my mistake cupcakes!

4 thoughts on “Fictional Food’s Mockingjay Cupcake on ABC’s Nightline”

  1. Pingback: Cupcakes Make ABC Nightline | Hunger Games Fandom

  2. Pingback: The Hunger Games cupcakes: by Fictional Food: matching the birds of Mockingjay perfectly « Daily hot news blog

  3. Pingback: A Cupcake Box Nightmare - Finale Brought to You By UPS

  4. Pingback: The Hunger Games Adventures Cupcakes

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