Honeydukes Chocolate Frogs

Ron had taken out a lumpy package and unwrapped it. There were four sandwiches inside. He pulled one of them apart and said, “She always forgets I don’t like corned beef.”

“Swap you for one of these,” said Harry, holding up a pasty. “Go on –”

“You don’t want this, it’s all dry,” said Ron. “She hasn’t got much time,” he added quickly, “you know, with five of us.”

“Go on, have a pasty,” said Harry, who had never had anything to share before or, indeed, anyone to share it with. It was a nice feeling, sitting there with Ron, eating their way through all Harry’s pasties, cakes, and candies (the sandwiches lay forgotten).

“What are these.” Harry asked Ron, holding up a pack of Chocolate Frogs.

“They’re not really frogs, are they.” He was starting to feel that nothing would surprise him.

“No,” said Ron. “But see what the card is. I’m missing Agrippa.”


“Oh, of course, you wouldn’t know — Chocolate Frogs have cards, inside them, you know, to collect — famous witches and wizards. I’ve got about five hundred, but I haven’t got Agrippa or Ptolemy.” Harry unwrapped his Chocolate Frog and picked up the card. It showed a man’s face. He wore half- moon glasses, had a long, crooked nose, and flowing silver hair, beard, and mustache. Underneath the picture was the name Albus Dumbledore.

Page 82, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

I mentioned my initial experience with Harry Potter when I did my Bertie Botts post and now I’ve got another one of those memorableΒ confectioneryΒ treats that Harry is exposed to on the train when the lady with the snack cart stops by their compartment: chocolate frogs!

Chocolate frogs aren’t just any old magical candy though, they help Harry, Ron, and Hermione solve the mystery of the first book!

You can buy these from the Universal Honeydukes gift shop of course… if you’re rich, that is!Β Yes, they sell these wonderful “real” deals for only 4 for 50 bucks. Yeesh. This middle class cook will make her own, thank you very much.

I’m not sure who gave it to me, but I had thisΒ chocolate frog moldΒ handy for my work. It’s a clear plastic mold for a variety of uses, but mine will be to make little ribbity balls of chocolate.

I bought a bag of milk chocolate chips and melted them in my double boiler, nearly burning them because I sat down to check email for “just a second”. I spooned them out into the mold and let them sit there. Since I live in Hawaii, they never really firmed up, so I got impatient and stuck them in the fridge.

I found that as it firmed up properly, the “skin” of the frog would separate from the mold. When the chocolate was no longer touching any part of the mold directly anymore, I flipped it out onto a piece of wax paper.

Chocolate Frogs

Aside from my sucky ability to fill frog eyes with chocolate, don’t they look great!? You can even see the spots on their back. So cute! I needed to make a box though, because just this frog doesn’t seem to be enough to make it Harry Potter.


Ribbit! Sadly, I don’t have real “croakoa”, so mine don’t hop around. For the box, I used this image from some genius on Deviantart and printed it on cardstock. Following the directions, I put together a box.

Chocolate Frog in Box

As you can see, this chocolate frog is a littleΒ bit too big for the box, but I managed to squeeze him in. If you use this mold and that box sheet, try enlarging it slightly.

Harry Potter - Honeydukes Chocolate Frog

I asked my daughter to come be my hand model and she did such a great job. Doesn’t the box look great? I took a bite and gads was it a lot of chocolate! I ate half of one before putting it down and told my daughter she could have the rest for dessert. Of course, she didn’t listen to me and went and grabbed a whole new one. Eventually she came to me with chocolate all over her face and a zombie-like look saying, “This is a loooot of chocolate…”

These boxes were really adorable and not hard to make, so they’d make a great little favor if you throw a Harry Potter themed party. And the best part is, you don’t have to empty out your vault in Gringott’s to make them.

A bag of chips was enough chocolate for me to make approximately 7 frogs because I had enough leftover to make about one more frog after I’d filled up the mold. I recommend buying a couple of molds if you’re going to be making a lot of them!

34 thoughts on “Honeydukes Chocolate Frogs”

  1. To prevent the eyes from doing that, when you fill the hold, tap the mold on the counter. You’ll see the bubbles rise to the top. Keep tapping until the bubbles stop. Also, chocolate chips wont firm on the counter. You have to refrigerate them. Also, add rice crispies to them. It’s less overwhelming and you get a nice “bone” crunch. I did two Harry Potter parties. We did straight chocolate the first time and a mix the second. The mix was better received. We also filled the mold part way, making sure the sides were completely coated, then chilled it. Squeeze a bit of caramel, chill again. Then topped off with more chocolate.

  2. Pingback: Honeydukes Chocolate Frogs | The Loves Chocolate Blog

  3. Pingback: How to Make Honeydukes Chocolate Frogs! | Harry Potter Fandom

  4. Pingback: ThirstyThursday:Whats up with the EcoHawks « THE ECOHAWKS

  5. I have an idea!!!
    So you could start off by only putting chocolate of the sides of the mold (it should probably be a thick layer) then you could fill them will marshmallows or caramel or fruit things. This way it wouldn’t be completely chocolate πŸ˜€

  6. How did you make the box for the frogs? Or did you make them?! You are absolutely fabulous because my classmates in Leadership love Harry Potter with a passion and this perfect. We even had to change our names to Harry Potter characters I was Loony Lovegood(: So this would be perfect for our Senior Goodbye Party!

      1. I love your boxes and cards too. My daughter is doing a project for school and these would be perfect. Would you mind sending me your templates also? Thank u so much!!

          1. These are amazing! I’d really like to try them out but the link to download the box and editable cards no longer works. Any chance I could get them e-mailed to me?

    1. The card I made which is slightly smaller than the box, from widest points it 3 1/8 inch. From top point to flat bottom is 2 15/16.

  7. Pingback: Get Your Leap Day Hoppin’ with Frog-Themed Foods! | Yummly

  8. Great job! I actually purchased some chocolate frogs from the gift shop because I’m a total sucker for fictional food. Depending on the gift shop, you can get them 5 for $50. πŸ˜‰ I bet yours tasted way better though.

  9. Hello!
    I’ve found that sometimes tapping the mold against something is not enough to get rid of all the air bubbles. To prevent any air bubbles from showing on my figures, I apply a coat of the melted chocolate or candy on the mold using a paintbrush. Some might find this unnecessary, but I am painfully perfectionist sometimes xD

    I’ve been wanting to make chocolate frogs for a while. So, thanks a lot for sharing the sheet for the boxes! =D

  10. Hi, I enjoyed your blog post and pictures, although I have yet to actually try the recipe.

    I featured your image and blog post (with a link back to it) on my new page about Harry Potter’s Chocolate Frog.

    Please let me know if that is okay with you. If it is not, I will remove it right away and choose another.


  11. Aaaah *drools* Man I just talked my mom into popsicle molds.. now I need to figure out how to talk her into frog molds <..> *Breaks out the lemon cookies* Ooooh Mommy dearest!

    XD Seriously though, these look epic and you should sooo make the caramel filled ones and post it on here πŸ˜€ that would be so awesome!

  12. Why in the world do the “official” frogs cost so much??? Yours are adorable. I am quickly becoming obsessed with your site!

  13. Just amazing! I’m so impressed with how official these look!
    We visited the studio tour for the Making of Harry Potter, just outside London, only YESTERDAY, and the frogs in boxes were about Β£8 each – so expensive – but I could knock up a few of these and pop them in their Christmas stockings and they would be really pleased.

  14. I’ve heard of people adding Pop Rocks to the frogs. This does make sense, as Pop Rocks literally “Pop” but it’ll change the flavor a little.

  15. I designed the printable Chocolate Frog box in the picture here, and you can get a chocolate frog box template which comes with wizard trading cards too. You can get it at my Etsy seller’s link: http://www.etsy.com/shop/printyca – I like the blog, so I’m gonna give a coupon code for readers to use. Type in “FICTIONALFOODBLOG” at checkout for 25% off your purchase. πŸ™‚

  16. Pingback: Sunday Funday: Potty for Potter #1 - Broc's BookcaseBroc's Bookcase

  17. Pingback: 41 Products Every Die Hard Harry Potter Fan Would Want To Own

  18. bless mars and Jupiter aliening iv been looking for a frog mold that wasn’t tiny. I wanna use this to make peanut butter stuffed chocolate frogs

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