Video: How to Make a Hunger Games Mockingjay Cupcake

Here’s the video I mentioned! I’d appreciate feedback too. Too long? Too short? Bad angle? Let me know!

46 thoughts on “Video: How to Make a Hunger Games Mockingjay Cupcake”

  1. While these look TOTALLY awesome, congratulations on your culinary success, my only complaint is that you left a couple of things out. Like the black icing, how do you make that? And what do you make the pins out of? Confectioner sugar? And part of me wishes that you had commentated while making the pin itself, but I understand that some people don’t like to talk while in deep concentration.
    Once again, congratulations on your culinary success. These are so neat!

    1. I agree, I should have added audio or music. I toned the sound all the way down because you could hear police sirens and cars passing and my husband sneezing and all these annoying things! lol I couldn’t figure out what music to put. Next time I’ll look harder! Thanks for the feedback. And yes, the info is in the pictures post. 😀

    2. The black icing I’m pretty sure was black fondant cut into circles and streched out over the cupcake. The pins were made out of of fondant too. You can buy a bunch of different fondant colors at the store. If you have ever watched cake boss you have seen that they decorate cakes, and they decorate them with fondant!:)

  2. I apologize for not looking completely, I realized that you had posted the Black Fondant gel on your other page. Sorry! 🙁

  3. Pingback: Cupcakes on Fire

  4. Those look wonderful! You did a wonderful job, I’m amazed at how talented you are at shaping the bird! Just a suggestion though, something easier to do instead of spooning the batter in, would be to use a disposable piping bag (if you don’t have that, take a gallon zip lock bag and cut one of the corners off). It’s really easier than spooning them in, and you can control the batter more, it’s what I do when I make rainbow cupcakes.

      1. I haven’t really figured out a sure trick for having the batter not ooze out,basically just don’t fill it all the way and when you’re done using it, push the batter back with your fingers. Or cut the hole smaller so even if it oozes out, only a bit will.

        1. If you have a problem with the batter leaking out of a piping bag, you can use a funnel cake funnel. Places like Michael’s should have them. The thing with a funnel cake funnel is that usually has s thingie-ma-bob that you can put your finger through and pull when you want the batter to come out.

  5. Pingback: Gorgeous Hunger Games Trilogy Cupcakes - HG Girl On Fire

  6. Pingback: » Fan Food: Mockingjay Cupcakes « – | Hunger Games Movie News |

  7. katniss everdeen (ok Priscilla)

    could you explain how to shape it? i am a huge hunger games fan and i want my 12th birthday to be hunger games themed, i would love to have these cupcakes for the party its like 5 months from now but i think it would be good for me to practice.(I’m probably gonna beg my mum.)thank you

    1. Hi Priscilla, just go buy some fondant and give it a try. You’ll find it’s actually quite easy to do! Then watch what I do in the video to form it.

  8. I am just wondering what type of fondant you use. I tried to make the marshmallow fondant but it didn’t work. Do you make your own or buy it? Also, where do you get the edible gold glaze? I love the hunger games and have tried to do hunger games cupcakes quite a few times.

  9. I am hosting my book club next week and we just finished reading the Hunger Game series. I am hoping to make these cupcakes for my book club ladies! Thanks so much for the great idea and awesome tutorial….wish me luck!! 😉

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  13. Hi! Im making these awesome cupcakes of yours for my friends, but i live in mexico and here the “black fondant” is unavailable. I wonder if i can use another type of fondant, like gumpaste (i think its the best for this). Do you think gumpaste works for this? Thanks for answer me, and of course CONGRATULATIONS for these original cupcakes.

    1. I’m not sure if gumpaste will spread out over the cupcakes as well, but no harm in trying I guess. You could also make your own fondant!

        1. Because i searched and found that its buttercream, isnt it? The problem is i have made buttercream before and its more liquid and creamy, and i think i couldnt work with it to make the mockingjay.

  14. Katniss Everdeen (i am legally changing my name to that)

    i am the biggest fan and i am going to use these to celebrate my 13th birthday and before the movie! can i somehow buy these from you.

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  18. I wanted to make this but i just wanted to know what are you making those shapes out of? I can’t figure it out would you post a short recipe of it or just a link? i would really appreciate it

  19. GirlWhoLovesGaleSoooMuch!

    Hi, these cupcakes are like awesome and they look so amazing!!
    I’m gonna try to make them for my 13th bday soon! Do you have any tips or any advice on making them? Also could you tell me any parts you found difficult and how to overcome them because if you did find anything hard you obviously overcame them because they look abso’ wonderful!? 😀

    1. Hmm, well the shaping is obviously a bit difficult, but other than that, I find that the little details I etch in are hard with a toothpick. Maybe find something harder to etch in like the dull side of a razor blade or a frosting tool?

  20. Pingback: from page to plate « Dream Out Loud.

  21. Hey! Since I’m new to cupcake making, can someone tell me the ingredients for the mocking jay? and the black circle? thank you! by the way they look awesome!! <3

  22. Gale Hawthorne

    Hey! I love this! I am amazed at how easy it looked in the video… I will have to try it. I know you may have got this question many times, but do you make your own fondent?

  23. Finnick Odair

    Hey not bad! I am also a professional baker (like Peeta Mellark and his family) and after scraping together Annie and my wedding cake, I gave these a try. I actually bought white frosting and blotched some of it blue for the mockingjay (3rd book) cupcake and it turned out ok…… tee hee…… sorry I can’t send you any pictures, I prefer to keep this kind of stuff confidential . Anyway, my family doesn’t like fondant, so I created my own type of mockingjay (1st book) decoration. I purchased a shapeable moldable , playdough like substance which is meant to be eaten. However, when I tried to paint it, I failed! I returned to purchase gold playdough like substance the next day.
    Thanks for the idea!You kept me improvising and creating for a couple weeks! Try not to use fondant in future recipes- yuk!

  24. Katniss Evergreen

    I absolutely LOVE those. I’ll make sure to try them my 14th birthday coming up! but one thing that bugs me is, if I would be able to shape the mockingjay. I’ve been baking for a few years and can say I don’t have problem with that, but I’m horrible at that kind of thing. craft and all. guess I’ll practice with play-doh or similar. always loving your recipes 😀

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