Game of Thrones Food Truck in Los Angeles

I got my cousin hooked onto the Game of Thrones series and so when she heard about the food trucks that were touring Manhattan two weeks ago, she just knew it would be hitting LA next. Sure enough, the official Game of Thrones Twitter feed began posting locations and she made the effort to go check it out. Check out her Flickr photostream for full size images.

On the day she ended up going, they were serving roasted rabbit, which she said was gamey, but tasty.

I heard some really great things about those stewed pistachios!

Game of Thrones Lemon Cakes

The famous lemon cakes, which I hope to attempt cooking myself once my ramekins come in…

Game of Thrones Napkin

The last detail: a Targaryen napkin. Way cool!! I hope HBO considers selling these online in Shop HBO Best Sellers so that people can host their own Game of Thrones parties. You can already buy a Targaryen Stein, Targaryen Men’s T-Shirt, or Targaryen Women’s T-shirt.

TruBlood Beverage Exclusive

2 thoughts on “Game of Thrones Food Truck in Los Angeles”

  1. Pingback: HBO’s Lemon Cakes — Learn2Cook

  2. Pingback: HBO’s Lemon Cakes | Pikko's House

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